Climate Positive Program

Real-World Impact

Our approach to achieving climate positivity is comprehensive.
As energy is an essential part of our economy and at the same time a valuable commodity on this planet, we need to use it as efficiently as possible. One essential step towards climate positivity is to constantly reduce our energy consumption. In firmly established teams, we are looking for efficiency potential, improving our processes and implementing new technologies. The energy we really need is covered by our own regenerative energy from solar panels and actively procured local regenerative energy certificates, highlighting the increasing demand for such energy in local markets.

For the small part of our energy consumption that currently cannot be covered by renewable energies we prioritize and endorse thoughtfully selected, genuine projects that have a significant impact beyond just offsetting carbon emissions. Moreover, when we cannot find an authentic local solution with substantial impact, we develop our own impactful programs, like the WIK Mangroves Program.

Carefully selected Offsetting Projects

Additionally to our proprietary projects, we support and cooperate with carefully selected third-party offseeting projects.

Innovation at every step.

Waste to Raw Material Program

Creating products from waste by turning it into raw material is essential for a Circular approach. We are dedicated to developing new materials and processes. With our FTS Circular Compound, we have achieved this.
Products under C2C Assessment
Projects contributing to Circularity

Renewable Energy

A regenerative economy is driven by 100 percent renewable energy. We want to produce as much renewable energy as possible for our own use. The rest of our power consumption must be covered by renewable energy externally generated. Until we are fully powered by renewables, we will compensate our Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions with voluntary but carefully chosen compensation projects.
Renewable Energy in %
Our Solar Capacity
2550 kW

Sensible Use of Resources

We will reduce our water consumption by 25% by 2025. Furthermore, source our materials responsibly, also joining forces with our suppliers and improve the supply chain together.
3TG Requirements added in our SCoC
since 2022
Supplier Cooperation Chart
since 2023

Discover our proprietary Offsetting & Regenerative Programs

Regenerative Program

Mangrove Program

Regenerative Program & Project

Free The Sea

Reporting & Partners

We are dedicated to precise reporting of our processes and actions and therefore cooperate with leading third party entities. In some cases, we found that existing reporting methods don't go far enough, and are actively creating new industry standards.