Our path to actively seek new ways, thereby propelling the industry forward toward the future we envision, is clearly guided by a set of Values.

Our Core Values

Select a Core Value to learn more
We value Earth and all of its Inhabitants, and we believe that we are responsible to act accordingly: towards every human, animal and the ecosystem as a whole. This sense or responsibility permeates every aspect of WIK Group, influencing, among others, all of our operations, products, conduct and technology.
Reliability, to us, encompasses a profound amalgamation of expertise, integrity, and transparency. It embodies a commitment rooted in knowledge gained over 70+ years of experience, having developed hundreds of system solutions and produced millions of products. By upholding our integrity and practicing transparency, our high reliability becomes a sturdy pillar in establishing trust and fostering strong relationships with our partners and clients.
We believe that we can solve the challenges we face only by coming together: as a community and collective of thriving individuals. As a company provide an according space for every member of our worldwide team of talented individuals. We work with clients and partners that share our vision of a future where Technology is Attuned to Nature.
We first and foremost focus on our own culture and technological processes, thereby embodying the change we believe is necessary on a global scale. We hold ourselves accountable first, and thereby are driving change where we see the necessity not only for our business, but society and our planetary health.
We don’t wait for beaten paths. We find new ways by seeking out innovative solutions and approaches: this is why we have created WIK LABS, a space to experiment, think outside the box to find novel approaches that can lead to positive change.
WIK Labs
We pursue excellence as a continuous process: we are committed to constantly level up and thereby achieve highest quality standards and efficiency. Excellence also requires individual approaches: we are able adapt to the needs of different types of customers and company cultures, whilst staying true to our values as a whole.

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